I was down a the quay last week, talking to all the fishermen, when Ambroise came in on his boat claiming that he had caught a whale. I wasnt sure if I should be lyingve him or not. on that point was no proof, and every adept else thought he was a joke. Ambroise seemed pretty positive(p) that he had actu everyy caught a whale, and stormed off when no one would believe him. All week Ive been auditory modality una exchangeable stories or so this. Some are even saying he caught the whale wit his bare custody! Yet still, everyone thinks it is a joke. I saw Ambroise talking to Clovis, the bankers son, a some days ago. He was saying that he was going to obtain another whale and bring Clovis on as a witness. I couldnt help exclusively laugh. Sure enough, the bordering day, Ambroise and Clovis set out. Many people from the village waited well-nigh all day for them to come back. And they did, without a whale. Ambroise went on with his narration that he had, once again, caught a whale.

No one believed him, in particular when Clovis say that he was a lair, that he never caught a whale. At first I was disgusted that he would lie about such a thing. I know he was undecomposed trying to impress me, but it wasnt working. As I started thinking about it, I realized that he was in truth kind of sweet! He was free to go against everyone in the village just to impress me. I went to Ambroises house, and told him I forgave him for lying. Were together now and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Truly yours, GabrielleIf you wishing to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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