
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 242

assignment Exampleinvestigation before discipline, proof of guilt, reasonable penalty, absence of discrimination, and fair investigation imply that an employee may have been wrongly terminated.3. The Fair Labor Standard Act describes two categories of employees exempt and non-exempt. According to the legislation, exempt employees ar not governed by this act and must be paid a fixed net profit and meet certain criteria in relation to the billet content. Non-exempt employees are covered by the act and are entitle to overtime pay.4. Job evaluation refers to the process of determining the relative worth of one job to another. Performance evaluation refers to a process of determining, documenting, and evaluating and employees job performance.5. The Lead policy ascribes to an organizations pay structure that is set to remain ahead of the securities industry for an annum. The match policy sets an organization salary structure to bare similarity to that of the market. The lag policy sets the pay structure of an organization behind that of its market competitors.9. Training focuses on the current job while education focuses on current and future jobs at the organization. Training has a shorter time frame compared to development in that it is immediate while development takes on a long term time frame. The scope of training aims at individual employees while development targets at the work group organization. The goal of training is at fixing a current accomplishment deficit among employees while development prepares employees for future work demands. An example of training is onboarding where freshly hired care level employees are imparted with skills to perform the immediate tasks placed on them. An example of a development programme for employees is off-site training where employees get to attend seminars and course offered outside the organization, which can assist them to come up with creative solutions towards ongoing

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